This experiment is easy except for one little glitch
in Windows. You do not see the 1 and the 10 that you
enter unless you follow the following procedure provided
by Petar Konovski:
- telnet
- set localecho
- open 8445
- get "Connecting To"
- Type a number (notice where it appears on the screen).
and hit the Enter key.
- Read your fortune cookie and the type "Quit", and hit
the Enter key.
I have gotten fortunes from this site that I considered
offensive, and I am not easily offended.
Under Optional Extensions the link in 7 does not work
(as of August 29, 2006). The Update Computer Club at Uppsala
University has a new web server and not all materials have
been copied to it. For a time you could use the old server,
but that seems to be gone now.
This site is maintained by W. David Laverell
of the Computer Science Department
at Calvin College. For assistance or corrections,
please contact him at .