Douglas E. Comer
Computer Science Department
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
webmaster: W. David Laverell

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HON: Faculty Notes
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Faculty Notes
Comments on an approach to Part IV of
Hands-On Networking
Please see Chapter 14 for a way to do Part IV with access to
an Emulab if you do not have a dedicated intranet lab.
Comments on the use of Hands-On Networking
I am now looking back on using Hands-On Networking
for the fourth time during the Spring 2007 semester.
gives a pretty accurate idea of what we did. I had six
students of various levels of experience. One was clearly
outstanding and has a Research Fellowship at the University of
Kentucky next year. As a whole the class was enthusiastic, but
a few of the students had trouble getting their assignments
done (though by the end of the semester all were very nearly
caught up). The big story this year was the introduction to
the course of the Calvin Emulab, built with the support of an
NSF grant. It was ready to go about halfway through the
semester and was used in the course.
This year's assignments had a clear, logical flow.
- Extend the sample programs from Chapter 6 into a TCP file
transfer program.
- Modify that program from TCP to UDP.
- Take the UDP file transfer programs, and modify them so
they work through the Gateway (Chapter 8) which drops,
corrupts, and reorders packets. One student did this on the
Emulab over a link set up to lose packets.
- By this time the Emulab was pretty much ready to go, so
the next assignment was to set up a link, run the TCP software
over it watching traffic with tcpdump, and then start the UDP
software. The TCP traffic not only slowed to a crawl (with the
right parameters), it stopped!
- For the final project the students formed two teams and
worked on multicast. They took a very different approach, but
both did well.
Links to Faculty Notes
Part I: A Single Computer
Chapter 2: Hardware And Software On A Single Computer
Chapter 3:
Using A Single Computer For Probing And Testing
Part II: Network Programming On A Set Of Shared Workstations
Chapter 4: Hardware And Software For A Shared Workstation Lab
Chapter 5: Network Programming Experiments Using A Simplified API
Chapter 6: Network Programming Experiments Using The Socket API
Chapter 7: Concurrent Network Programming Experiments
Chapter 8: Protocol Design Experiments
Chapter 9: Experiments With Protocols From The TCP/IP Suite
Part III: Measurement And Packet Analysis On Augmented Workstations
Chapter 10: Hardware And Software For An Augmented Shared Lab
Chapter 11: Network Measurement Experiments
Chapter 12: Packet Capture And Analysis Experiments
Chapter 13: Protocol
Observation Experiments
Part IV: Configuration Experiments In A Dedicated Intranet Lab
Chapter 14:
Hardware And Software For A Dedicated Intranet Lab
Chapter 15: Internet Address Configuration Experiments
Chapter 16: Web Technology Configuration Experiments
Chapter 17: IP Routing And IP
Forwarding Experiments
Chapter 18:
Virtual And Protected Internet Environment Experiments
Part V: Protocol Stack Implementation In A Special-Purpose Lab
Chapter 19: Hardware And Software For A Special-Purpose Protocol Development Lab
Chapter 20: Protocol Stack Development Experiments
Part VI: System Design In A Network System Engineering Lab
Chapter 21: Hardware And Software For A Network System Engineering Lab
Chapter 22: Network Systems Engineering Experiments
This site is maintained by W. David Laverell
of the Computer Science Department
at Calvin College. For assistance or corrections,
please contact him at . |