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Hands-On Networking: Experiment 17.4 Home > Student > Experiments > 17.4

Experiment 17.4

Chapter 17
17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4

With this experiment we move from RIP to OSPF. Here the documentation from Cisco is not quite as clear as might be hoped. Books on the subject also leave something to be desired. After puzzling over the documentation and a book on the subject and making one totally unfruitful attempt to enable OSPF, we decided to consult one of Calvin's resident network gurus, Brian Baas for some help on reading between the lines.

The frustrating thing about trying to do this is that the documentation seems so simple. As in Experiment 17.3 you just

  1. telnet to the router.

  2. type "enable".

  3. type "show running" just to see what is already going on. Other useful commands at this point are "show ip route" and "show ip interface".

  4. type "router ospf process-id". (To disable OSPF type "no router ospf process-id".)

  5. type "config t".

  6. repeatedly type "network address wildcrd-mask area area-id".

What could be simpler? Well, first let's talk about that process-id. At first blush it seems rather arbitrary, and you wonder why they are asking us for such a number. It is significant for three reasons:

  1. You will need the number to disable OSPF.

  2. You want to make sure no other OSPF processes are running. The reason why our first attempt to configure OSPF failed miserably was that one of the routers had an OSPF process running with id 25000. Where that came from I have no idea. (This is why you type "show run" in global configuration mode.)

  3. You can add information later to a running OSPF process, but in order to do so, you need its process id.

Now let's move on to the network command and the wildcard-mask. First, the latter is nothing like a subnet mask which looks something like The wildcard mask tells you what counts and what does not. Is the four-bit pattern 1011 the same as 1101? Obviously not, but suppose the mask is 0110. That means the first and last bits count, and the others do not. So under that mask they match. Change the mask to 1011, and they do not match. The wildcard-mask will end up being in our intranet. What that means can best be explained by describing that intranet. We had five networks connected by four routers. The arrangement is topologically equivalent to the diagram under Procedure And Details but we changed some of the numbers. Ethernet 0 on router n has the ip address 10.2.n.30 and is connected to the switch for network n. Ethernet 1 has the ip address 10.2.n.5 and is connected to the switch for network n+1. We decided that networks 1 through 3 would be area 0 while 4 and 5 would constitute area 1. For routers 1 and 2 the network command looked like

network area 0

This says that for routers 1 and 2 anything you are connected to is in area 0. The wildcard-mask functions as described above: where there is a 1, anything matches. Since that mask is all 1's in this example, everything matches. For router 4 we do the same thing except that "area 0" becomes "area 1".

It is router 3 that is tricky for this topology. Router 3 needs to know that and are in area 1 and that everything else is in area 0. You accomplish this with two network commands.

  1. network area 1

  2. network area 0

This means that if the network ip address matches with respect to all 16 bits in bytes 0 and 1, and all but the least significant 2 bits in byte 2, then it's area 1. Otherwise, it is area 0. This means that in our intranet, and will match. Were we to add or with the same subnet mask, networks 6 and 7 could be placed in area 1 with no problems.

Having worked out this configuration we issued the commands and watched it work. We also watched the routing tables on while we turned router 3 off and then back on. We also tried to ping from with OSPF disabled on router 3. In a second window we enabled OSPF on that router and watched the packets start to flow. Just as advertised! Great experiment!!! Fun, fun, fun.

This site is maintained by W. David Laverell of the Computer Science Department at Calvin College. For assistance or corrections, please contact him at lave@calvin.edu.