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Hands-On Networking: Experiment 17.3 Home > Student > Experiments > 17.3

Experiment 17.3

Chapter 17
17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4
This is the first of two experiments that ask you to configure routing software. It is by a wide margin the easier of the two.

See the material in the notes on experiments in Chapter 15 for information on how to set up the intranet pictured on page 119.

It is very easy to enable RIP on Cisco 1605R routers. The documentation from Cisco is excellent.

  1. telnet to the router (requires password).

  2. type "enable" (requires password).

  3. You are now in global configuration mode.

  4. At this point it is a very good idea to type "show run(ning)" just to see what is already going on, ie, is this router already running RIP?

  5. Type "config(ure) t(erminal)". The prompt will change.

  6. Type "router rip". This puts you in router configuration mode. (To disable RIP, you would type "no router rip" at this point.)

  7. Type "version 2".

  8. For each attached network type "network network-number". For example, in our case router 2 connected networks 2 and 3 so we typed "network" and then "network".

  9. Type "no auto".

  10. Hit Control-Z.

  11. End your telnet session.

This site is maintained by W. David Laverell of the Computer Science Department at Calvin College. For assistance or corrections, please contact him at lave@calvin.edu.