Calvin seal CS 108: Introduction to Computing
Spring 2006

Library Labs

The last three weeks of the semester will be spent examining several different libraries that Java provides to us. Below is a list of the labs that you must complete by the end of the semester. You'll notice from the schedule page that there's no explicit due date for these labs; they're all due by the last day of the semester (same day as Quiz #7). You cannot use any late days on these assignments.

You are well advised to work on these assignments early; perhaps the best way to go about this is to spend the same amount of time you normally would working on labs and projects. Keep in mind that you have to balance this work with the time you need to put in on your final project. It is impossible to do all of these things in the last week of the semester, let alone the night before.

You have to do only the lab exercises. There are no prelab questions or projects.

GUI Interlude #01 exercise

Turn in as gui01.

Lab #10: File I/O exercise

Turn in as lab10.

As long as you follow the lab's convention for naming drivers, the handin program will prompt you for command-line arguments.

XML Processing exercise

Turn in as lab10b.

GUI Interlude #03a exercise

Turn in as gui03a.

GUI Interlude #03b exercise

Turn in as gui03b.

GUI Interlude #22 exercise

As described in the exercise itself, you'll need a few replacement classes. They can be found in the usual place, /home/cs/108/hotj/gui22.

Turn in as gui22.