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CS 108: Introduction to Computing Spring 2006 |
Final Project |
The final project counts for 10% of your grade for this course; it pays to take it very seriously. There's no sit-down final exam for this course; this final project is your final exam. The ProjectWrite a Java application that either implements a turn-based game or a sophisticated simulation. The RequirementsGeneral
Getting HelpI am willing to help you work out your final project, but the later you wait for this help, the less you'll get. Help with the GUI from others is acceptable (to a point); include the names of the people, books, and websites which helped you with your GUI in the comment of the GUI code. Help with the model from anyone else but me is forbidden. The project is due by 5pm on Wednesday, May 17 (the last day of exams). You're always free to turn in the final as soon as you like. GradingYour grade for this final project is "by contract". How far you get through this list of contract items determines your grade. It is not worthwhile working on later contract items if the earlier ones are not finished. This final project is worth 10% of the grade you get for the whole course. An F on this project earns you 0%; a C earns you 5%; an A earns you 10%. All other letter grades are scaled accordingly.
Grades will be modified plus/minus depending on how well you've written your code and how well the application works. To reiterate the warning given above: make sure you've secured a particular grade before working on the next grade. That is, a good looking GUI does you absolutely no good if the model isn't fully unit-tested; if your model is not fully unit-tested, you'll get some form of a D! Reference Material & Other HelpOffice HoursI will have office hours during exam week. I will answer questions about your final projects and other assignments during these times only so that everyone has a fair opportunity to ask me questions. Administrative questions can be asked at any time. You can also email me at any time. SwingSet2The SwingSet2 example that I demoed in class can be found in
java -jar /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_04/demo/jfc/SwingSet2/SwingSet2.jar The source code can be found in
If you install the JDK on your machine, you should be able to find this example in a similar folder. Lecture CodeAll of the code from lecture (including the game code)
is available Links
Turning the Project InThe project is due by 5pm on Wednesday, May 17 (the last day of exams). If your GUI uses any images, please put them in a folder
Hand your code as |