Hands on Testing Java: Lab #G3a

Drawing on a Panel


In this lab exercise, you will translate a text based program into a drivers that use GUI widgets; a follow-up lab will ask you to write a second GUI driver. In the end, you will have both a command-line based program and two GUI programs that do (nearly) the same things.

One of the things to watch is how little the computation code changes.

The application for this lab simulates a random walk wikipedia in two dimensions. This is based on a physics thought experiment:

Suppose you have a drunk person that is standing next to a lamp post. He is very unsteady, but decides to head home. He is constrained to walk along the street (one dimension), and he has an equal probability of going forwards or backwards.

Given this situation, a physicist will want to know the answers to questions like:

Physicists can derive theoretical formulas that answer the questions. They may also want to perform experiments to verify the formulas. We'll leave the theory to the theoreticians, but we can perform the experiment as a simulation in a computer program. This may give a physicist more insight into what happens. (And a simulation saves us from the hassle and moral problems of trying to run real-world experiments with human subjects.)

The program you work on for this lab will allow the simulated person more freedom than in the stated problem. Instead of being on a road, imagine the person as standing next to a tree in the middle of a field, and he can take a step in any of four directions. This results in a two dimensional random walk.

Figuring out This Exercise

We're at a point where you won't be seeing too many new concepts. Not language concepts. It's all about the libraries that Java provides. It's all about the concepts you've already seen.

Consequently, much of this lab exercise is about the libraries you need to solve this physics simulation. There are two useful resources you'll find helpful:

As for the language concepts (e.g., variable declarations, object allocation/creation, inheritance, etc.), look back at the previous lab exercises for patterns and example code.

Remember: good computer programmers know very few things; they know where to look them up.

The Code

Be careful with the files you create. Some of them have an a suffix, others don't!

Do this...


The code you're given uses the model-view-controller pattern (MVC) to organize the classes. The MVC pattern makes a sharp distinction among the classes needed for a program; some classes are used for the data model, others are used for the program control (i.e., the main() driver), and others are used for the user's view.

The great thing about a pattern like this is that some changes are very easy to make. In particular with the MVC pattern, you can make changes to the view or even create completely brand new views without changing the model at all.

The Model: RandomWalker

An instance of this class simulates a random walker. The constructor requires two values:

  1. The maximum size of a step (a.k.a. the "extent").
  2. The size of the field.

The size of the field is actually half of the whole size. If you pass in 5.0 for this size, then the field will go from -5.0 to +5.0.

Look over the accessors to see what kind of information you can get from a walker.

Internally, the majority of the work is done by the walk(int) and takeStep() methods. You can look at the code to see how this is done, but the whole point of the MVC pattern is that you don't really need to know these details. The class promises that the steps will be created for you, and the accessors are more than enough for you to build a view and controller to use a RandomWalker object.

The CLI View/Controller: RandomWalkerCLIDriver

The view and controller are combined into one class for this particular command-line interface.

The main method of this driver has two main steps:

  1. Read in the necessary values.
  2. Display the walker.

Part of displaying the walker entails actually creating the walker created from the data read in.

Take a moment to read through the driver to see how it implements these steps. Any controler will have to do these same steps; how they do it will vary.

Designing a GUI

One of the first steps in writing a GUI program is to determine what it looks like. We will focus in this lab exercise on generating a good view of the walk itself. We'll improve the input aspect of the driver in the follow-up lab.

Here's an example of a nearly finished product for this lab exercise:

view of GUI

This is how the finished product looks on my Macintosh. (Incidentally, this was 50 steps, an extent of length 20, and field size of 100---values you may find useful later on.)

GUI Driver #1

Do this...
Create a RandomWalkerGUIDriver driver class.

This class will actually be quite similar to RandomWalkerCLIDriver because you'll use JOptionPanes to read in the input, and JOptionPanes lead to drivers very similar to CLI drivers. JOptionPanes are actually a pretty bad way to get input, but as mentioned in the previous section, we'll worry about GUI input in the follow-up lab.

The GUI driver has the same attributes as the CLI driver.

Do this...
Declare the same instance variables in RandomWalkerGUIDriver that you already have in RandomWalkerCLIDriver.

Making a walker is no different.

Do this...
Copy RandomWalkerCLIDriver#makeWalker() into the RandomWalkerGUIDriver class.

The steps to read in data is the same.

Do this...
Copy RandomWalkerCLIDriver#readData() into the RandomWalkerGUIDriver class.

Actually reading the data and displaying the walk will be different.

Do this...
Write stubs for these methods:

These methods should have the same signatures as their counterparts in RandomWalkerCLIDriver. Do not copy them over from RandomWalkerCLIDriver!

Now the main(String[]) method can be copied over.

Do this...
Copy RandomWalkerCLIDriver#main(String[]) into RandomWalkerGUIDriver.

Do this...
You should be able to compile your code and run both drivers. The GUI driver won't do anything interesting.

Two warnings before we go on.

First, you may be tempted to use inheritance for the drivers---there are three common attributes; there are two common methods. However, the second GUI driver will not fit into these same molds. After you finish the second driver, then you can think about ways to use inheritance for the drivers.

Second, do not copy the process*() and displayWalk() methods from the CLI driver into the GUI driver. It's much, much better to create these methods from scratch since they change so much.

Input a GUI Way

The most significant thing about the methods I've asked you not to copy is that they deal with input and output. The way GUIs deal with input and output are very different than CLIs. In this first GUI driver, the main difference will be in what libraries you use. In the second GUI driver, you'll use completely different libraries and a completely different way of handling input and output.

Here's the algorithm for readNumberOfSteps():

Algorithm of RandomWalkerGUIDriver#readNumberOfSteps()
  1. Prompt for the number of steps.
  2. Read in numberOfSteps (a String).
  3. Set myNumberOfSteps to be the integer value of numberOfSteps.

This algorithm was already implemented in RandomWalkerCLIDriver#readNumberOfSteps(); that version required theKeyboard and theScreen; prompting was a separate statement from reading.

For RandomWalkerGUIDriver, though, you can combine a "prompt" and "read" step into one statement using JOptionPanes, as you did in GUI #1.

Do this...
Write code for the first two steps of this algorithm in RandomWalkerGUIDriver#readNumberOfSteps() using a JOptionPane.

The last statement of this algorithm is actually the same in both drivers.

Do this...
Write the code for the last step of the algorithm.

This same approach can be used for the other two read*() methods.

Do this...
Implement RandomWalkerGUIDriver#readExtent() and RandomWalkerGUIDriver#readSizeOfField() to use JOptionPanes to do the prompting and reading work. Use the data conversion code from the CLI driver to convert the Strings from the JOptionPanes.

Do this...
Run your GUI driver. Input should come from JOptionPanes. You won't get any output because RandomWalkerGUIDriver#displayWalk() is empty.

GUI View: WalkDisplay

You will now implement WalkDisplay to provide you with a canvas for you to draw the random walk on. Picture drawing in Java is done with the javax.swing.JPanel class; WalkDisplay will (indirectly) inherit from this class.

Do this...
Create a WalkDisplay class which extends ann.gui.CartesianPanel.

The CartesianPanel class is part of the ann library that comes with our textbook. The CartesianPanel class draws the Cartesian axes for Cartesian coordinates wikipedia as seen in the picture above (i.e., everything but the green dots).

Normally, your subclass of JPanel will override paintComponent(Graphics) like so:

public void paintComponent(Graphics pen) {

This method is called every time the panel needs to be redrawn.

CartesianPanel#paintComponent(Graphics) is already overridden like this; you will do it again in WalkDisplay. In the end, this will mean that your WalkDisplay#paintComponent(Graphics) will invoke CartesianPanel#paintComponent(Graphics) which, in turn, invokes JPanel#paintComponent(Graphics). This is exactly what you want because each of these methods provides a different behavior:

The rest of WalkDisplay#paintComponent(Graphics) will be code that uses pen to do some interesting drawing. You can send a variety of messages to the pen object

Do this...
Read over the API for the Graphics class. Check for these methods in particular:

Warning!!! The x and y coordinates for these Graphics methods would perhaps be better named as column and row. These x and y values are not the same as the x and y coordinates from a random walker!

The most important thing about screen coordinates (as used by the Graphics class) is that the origin (0, 0) is in the upper left hand corner. The x values increase going to the right; y values increase going down. Note that the y axis in screen coordinates is "upside down"---it increases down the screen.

The first step is to figure out how we want the walk to look. To begin with, you will start out with drawing a circle for each step (as in the screenshot above.) While the Graphics class does not provide a circle drawing method, we can use Graphics#fillOval(int,int,int,int) since a circle is just a special oval. Filling in the circle will allow us to see it better.

Do this...
Override the definition of CartesianPanel#paintComponent(Graphics) in WalkDisplay.

The paintComponent(Graphics) method must paint everything---the entire walk. Before it can do that, though, we need some data that the constructor should initialize: the size of the field and the list of steps.

The first statement in your WalkDisplay#WalkDisplay(double,List<Step>) constructor will be a call to the superclass constructor:

CartesianPanel#CartesianPanel(double minX, double minY, double maxX, double maxY)

Helpful hint: When debugging later on, if the graph seems too small, look at the order of the arguments passed to the superclass's constructor!

Assume that the size of the field (i.e., the first parameter of the constructor) is positive; use it for the maximum values; use its negative value for the minimum values. Watch the order of those arguments!!!

You'll need to save the list of steps in your instance variable.

Do this...

Displaying a WalkDisplay

You're actually positioned now to finish the changes to RandomWalkerGUIDriver. The algorithm is fairly technical now (i.e., not particularly creative):

Algorithm of RandomWalkerGUIDriver#displayWalk()
  1. Let outputView be a new JFrame.
  2. Set the default close-operation of outputView to be "exit on close".
  3. Let walker be a RandomWalker based on my input data.
  4. Let steps be the steps created by walker.
  5. Let walkDisplay be a new WalkDisplay initialized with mySizeOfField and steps.
  6. Add walkDisplay to the content pane of outputView.
  7. Set the size of outputView.
  8. Make outputView visible.

Now to put the objects and operations in context:

Objects of RandomWalkerGUIDriver#displayWalk()
Description Type Kind Name
the output view JFrame local outputView
"exit on close" operation constant int constant JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE
the walker RandomWalker local walker
the steps from the walker List<Step> local steps
the display of the walk WalkDisplay local walkDisplay
Operations of RandomWalkerGUIDriver#displayWalk()
Description Predefined? Name Library
create a new JFrame yes JFrame() constructor JFrame
set the default close-operation yes setDefaultCloseOperation(int) JFrame
create a random walker yes makeWalker() RandomWalkerGUIDriver
add a widget to a JFrame yes add(aWidget) JFrame
resize the JFrame to preferred sizes (i.e., "pack" it) yes pack() JFrame
make a JFrame visible yes setVisible(true) JFrame

Do this...
Implement RandomWalkerGUIDriver#displayWalk().


Turn back to the WalkDisplay#paintComponent(Graphics) method.

This method starts by calling the superclass's version of this method. (You should have this coded already.)

Algorithm of WalkDisplay#paintComponent(Graphics)
  1. Receive pen.
  2. Invoke the superclass version of paintComponent(Graphics) method with pen.
  3. Set the background color of the panel.
  4. Change the color of pen to green.
  5. For each step in mySteps:
    1. Draw step with pen.

Check the java.awt.Color class for the color green.

Operations of WalkDisplay#paintComponent(Graphics
Description Predefined? Name Library
receive pen yes parameter passing built-in
invoke the superclass version of the same method yes super.paintComponent(pen) built-in
change the background color yes setBackground(Color) JPanel
change the color of the pen yes setColor(Color) Graphics
for each step... yes foreach loop built-in
draw the current step no drawStep(Graphics,Step) WalkDisplay

Do this...
Write a method stub for WalkDisplay#drawStep(Graphics,Step). It doesn't return anything.

Do this...
Implement WalkDisplay#paintComponent(Graphics). The code should compile, and the GUI driver should run to the point of displaying a Cartesian coordinate system.

But no steps yet...

Drawing Step Circles

The minor problem with drawing circles is that you're only allowed to draw ovals. However, a circle is just an oval with the same width and height, so this really isn't a problem.

The real problem is that we have two coordinate systems: Cartesian x/y-coordinates and row/column screen-coordinates.

These two problems are fixed with two helper methods of the CartesianPanel class. (See the list of operations below.)

oval coordinates

The last problem is picking where to plot the circle. Usually we think about the center point (or even the two foci) of an oval. The Graphics class requires us to provide it with the upper-left "corner" of the oval. Actually, it's the upper-level corner of the smallest rectangle that fits around the oval as seen in the picture on the right. Since the x- and y-coordinates of a step really indicate the center of the circle, you'll have to compute the center point first in screen coordinates. Then, if you subtract the radius from both of those screen coordinates, you'll have the screen coordinates for the corner of the circle.

Algorithm of WalkDisplay#drawStep(Graphics,Step)
  1. Receive pen and step.
  2. Let centerColumn be the column-equivalent of the x-coordinate of step.
  3. Let cornerColumn be centerColumn - RADIUS.
  4. Let centerRow be the row-equivalent of the y-coordinate of step.
  5. Let cornerRow be centerRow - RADIUS.
  6. Draw a filled circle at (cornerColumn, cornerRow) of size DIAMETER.
Objects of WalkDisplay#drawStep(Graphics,Step)
Description Type Kind Movement Name
the drawing pen Graphics variable in pen
the current step Step variable in step
the column for the center of the circle int variable local centerColumn
the column for the "corner" of the circle int variable local cornerColumn
the row for the center of the circle int variable local centerRow
the row for the "corner" of the circle int variable local cornerRow
the radius of the circle int constant class RADIUS
the diameter of the circle int constant class DIAMETER

It's up to you to make sure that DIAMETER is exactly twice as much as RADIUS. Best option: use 2 * RADIUS to initialize DIAMETER. Initialize RADIUS with something small (i.e., less than 10); you can always change it later.

Operations of WalkDisplay#drawStep(Graphics,Step)
Description Predefined? Name Library
receive pen and step yes parameter passing built-in
get the x-coordinate of step yes getX() Step
convert x-coordinate to column coordinate yes xToColumn(double) CartesianPanel
get the y-coordinate of step yes getY() Step
convert y-coordinate to row coordinate yes yToRow(double) CartesianPanel
draw a filled circle yes fillOval(int,int,int,int) Graphics

Keep in mind that your WalkDisplay is a CartesianPanel. Everthing that CartesianPanel declares is declared automatically in WalkDisplay. So invoke the methods from CartesianPanel directly.

Do this...
Implement WalkDisplay#drawStep(Graphics,Step).

Do this...
Now run the GUI driver to see the results of your work!

Creative Work

Make two more changes to the code:

Do this...
Draw outlines for the step circles in a different color than the circles' fill color.

This is a matter of adding some extra statements to WalkDisplay#drawStep(Graphics,Step).

Do this...
Connect the steps of a walk with a line between consecutive steps.

This one is a bit more involved. However you do it, it's best if you keep it separate from the loop that draws the steps themselves. Create a second loop before the existing loop.

This new loop could be a counting for loop; this would allow you to refer to steps at indices i and i-1 (for example). If you want to use a foreach loop, you can use a previous value to remember the previous step (initially null); then draw a line between previous and step.

That's it for this first GUI driver. GUI #3b asks you implement a second GUI with a more traditional GUI interface.


Cartesian coordinates, model-view-controller pattern, MVC, random walk, screen coordinates