The main purpose of this lab is to introduce you to the computing environment that you'll be using. This includes a brief introduction to your computer's operating system, the editor you'll use to edit your programs, and the compiler you'll use to compile your programs.
You will use the ideas from this lab again and again throughout this course, so you should make every effort to understand not only what you're doing, but why you're doing what you're doing at each step.
Helpful hint: Ask questions. Ask the students around you. Ask the grader. Ask your instructor.
You're going to need to know the answer to the following questions to get started (hopefully your instructor will oblige):
Question #1.01 True or False: You have an
answer for each of these questions.
To be answered in Exercise
For now, jot down your answer for this question on a piece of paper (by hand). Later in this lab you will be told how and where to create a text file for you to write your answer in.
And if you answered this first question "false", then you have some questions to ask...
Throughout this lab manual, instructions will be printed in this
default font (the one you are reading). To help you distinguish the
instructions from what appears on your screen, text that you should
see displayed on your screen will be shown in a mono-spaced
. Text that you are to type or enter will be shown in
a stronger font
, followed by the key marked Return
may be marked Carriage Return
, CR
, or
perhaps Enter
on your particular machine).Each lab exercise will introduce many new terms. The first time a new term is encountered, it will appear like this. Make a note of the word, and figure out a one or two sentence definition of the word. (Often the term is explained without being explicitly defined.) This will be a good habit since knowing the terms will make implementing the concepts that much easier. The terms are also collected and listed at the end of the each exercise.
Some terms are followed by this icon:Before you can create a program, you must first become familiar
with how to control basic operations on the computer. This is one
of the fundamental purposes of an operating system
. Modern computers use two basic ways of
interacting with a user: a GUI or a CLI.
An environment in which you use a mouse to interact with menus,
windows, and icons on a computer's screen is called a
graphical user interface (GUI) environment.
MacOS, Windows-95, Windows-NT, X Windows (with the CDE, KDE, or
Gnome) all provide GUI environments.
In contrast to a GUI, a command-line interface
uses this interaction:
MS-DOS (a precursor of Windows-95 and Windows-NT), UNIX, and Linux are examples of operating systems that use the command-line environment.
In order to use a command-line environment, you must learn the commands that the environment understands. This generally makes a command-line environment more difficult to use than a GUI, since you must be able to recall the right commands to use the system and each system has their own set of commands. However, you have a very rich vocabulary in a command-line interface, so they're well worth learning.
In contrast, users of a GUI environment need only be able to recognize the proper menu choice, link, or icon they need to select in order to make something happen. Unfortunately, a GUI gives you a limited vocabulary, and sometimes this can be a seriously annoying problem.
You should also get started with your development environment:
A program starts out as a simple text file of raw Java code
which you type in. The Java code is translated by a
compiler into byte code
. The byte code is then interpretted by
a virtual machine
Let's break this journey down into steps.
The first step is you entering the programming into a
text editor . A text editor differs from a
wordprocessor (like Microsoft Word or StarOffice Writer) in the way
their data is stored. A wordprocessor must save all of the
formatting that you put into a document; this formatting is
unnecessary for the programs that you enter, so all that needs to
be saved is the raw text of the program itself. Hence, you can use
a simpler editor that stores only that text---a text editor.
Unfortunately, the Java code which you type in is not easily understood by the computer. The second step of your program's journey translates the text file containing raw Java code into byte code; this process is known as compilation which is carried out by a program called a compiler. The compilation process does a lot of work to make your program understandable by the computer, but it does not do all of the work.
Java's byte code is easily portable from one type of machine to
another. The Java program you compile on a Linux machine can be
executed on a Macintosh or Microsoft Windows machine
without recompiling (assuming that Java is installed on
these other machines). But, as mentioned in the previous paragraph,
none of these machines actually understand the Java byte code.
These machines need a Java virtual machine (JVM); a JVM is implemented as an
which interprets
the byte code and immediate executes the instructions they
So to write and execute a Java program, you need at least three tools: a text editor, a Java compiler, and a JVM.
Sun Microsystems (the company that manages Java the programming language) provides the official, standard Java compiler and JVM. Its tools work primarily in a CLI. So to get a minimal development environment, you'd only need to provide a text editor, which all operating systems provide.
However, that is truely a minimal environment. On the other end
of the spectrum is the integrated development environment
(IDE). An IDE is a
GUI that provides a text editor, a compiler (perhaps using Sun's
standard compiler), a JVM (also perhaps using Sun's JVM), and much,
much more.
The text editor in an IDE usually has many bells and whistles which makes writing your code much easier than using an operating system's plain text editor. Most modern IDEs also use an incremental compiler which compiles your code as you type it in (and does not require a separate processing step). All IDEs have a fairly easy way to run your program in the IDE itself.
Your first step is to write the program itself. In this lab, "writing" will consist of a copy and paste, but you need to paste the program into your text editor.
A program in Java is written as a driver class. There are many different types of classes in Java; a driver class is the most rare, but it's the only way to get an executable program.
For these first labs, our drivers will use command-line interfaces (CLIs). So that it's easier to recognize the classes which implement a command-line interface, we're going to use this convention:
Programming Convention: Use a
suffix on the classes which implement a CLI
The rest of the name will be based on the purpose and
responsibility of the driver. The program that you will "write"
later in this lab is a CLI driver that computes a few
multiplications, so you'll call it
If you're using an IDE (like Eclipse or IntelliJ), this behind-the-scenes look is for information only. If you're using a plain text editor (like emacs or vi), then read carefully!
A Java class is supposed to be stored in its own file. The name
of the class determines the file name; a class
, for example, should be stored in a
file named
This lab manual is written with class names in mind.
Most IDEs work in terms of class names and manage the file names
behind the scenes. If you're not using an IDE, make sure
you save files with the .java
extension, otherwise the
compiler might not work properly.
Related classes are kept together in a package. This is so that the hundreds of classes that you create just for these labs don't end up all in the same place.
For this lab manual, keep the classes for one lab or project in their own package:
is the
educational instituion you're at (e.g., harvard
, etc.).username
is your
username (e.g., jdfrens
, billgates
standards for "Hands on Testing Java".task
is the
assignment you're working on (e.g., lab01
).The interpretation of this package is that you,
, are
working at
on "Hands on Testing Java" (i.e., HoTJ) assignments.institution
Again, an IDE (like Eclipse or IntelliJ) will manage packages for you; read this for your own edification. The rest of you, read carefully!
Packages are implemented as directories. Our package becomes
. The
Java files must be stored in that directory.institution
So let's create the program. First, you need to create the CLI driver class and start editing it.
You should now have your text editor running, ready to enter in
your MultiplyCLIDriver
class. Here are the contents
that should go into the editor:
package edu.INSTITUTION.USERNAME.hotj.lab01; import ann.easyio.Keyboard; import ann.easyio.Screen; /** * Class for a simple driver to test our a Java development * environment. * * @author Joel Adams * @author Jeremy D. Frens * @assignment HoTJ Lab #1 * @course ??? * @semester ??? */ public class MultiplyCLIDriver { public static void main(String[] args) { Keyboard theKeyboard = new Keyboard(); Screen theScreen = new Screen(); theScreen.println("\nThis program inputs an integer" + "\n\tand displays 2x, 4x, and 8x its value."); theScreen.print("\nPlease enter an integer: "); int aNumber; aNumber = theKeyboard.readInt(); theScreen.println("\n\nTwice " + aNumber + " is " + (2*aNumber) + ",\n\tand four times is " + (4*aNumber) + ",\n\tand eight times is " + (8*aNumber)); } }
If you're using an IDE, compare the code here with the code that your IDE provides to you. It's fine to replace the IDE's code with the code you see here, but in future labs you will not be given the whole program, so it's useful now to compare what a complete program looks like compared to a minial class.
Do this...
class. Be sure to replace
everything that the IDE gave you initially.INSTITUTION
in the package
statement.Consider this bit of code in the program:
* @author Joel Adams * @author Jeremy D. Frens * @assignment HoTJ Lab #1 * @course ??? * @semester ???
Officially, these lines of code are actually part of a
comment (denoted with the /**
character sequences). Comments are ignored by the
compiler, and so you can put nearly anything in a comment. Good
programmers put useful information there, information you can't
figure out easily from the program itself.
Programming Convention: You must include information about the author, the assignment, the course, and the semester in a comment before every class you write. Your instructor may require you to put even more information into these comments.
Do this...
Add to and modify the class's comment to include the necessary
information about you.
Keep in mind that you are an additional author of the program (or you will be later on in this lab). This means that you must be included as an author, but you must not remove the names of the other authors---to do so is the programming equivalent of plagerism.
When your source program is entered and saved, it is time to execute the program and look at the results. Again click on the appropriate link to see how it is done:
An important part of any science, including the science of
computing, is to be able to observe behavior, form hypotheses, and
then design and carry out experiments to test your hypotheses---a
process known as the scientific method . The next part of this exercise
involves applying the scientific method to infer some special
output codes from the
Since two heads are (often) better than one, feel free to work through this section with the person sitting next to you.
Study the code in the MultiplyCLIDriver
class and
the output from the program. There are many English or near-English
words which make at least most of the program meaningful,
especially when you compare the driver to the output of the
But what are those \n
characters doing in the
program? What purpose do they serve?
Construct a hypothesis (i.e., a statement) that states what you
think the \n
s do.
Question #1.02 What's your hypothesis?
To be answered in Exercise
Don't worry, you can't get this question wrong (unless you leave it blank or give a very stupid answer).
Design an experiment using the MultiplyCLIDriver
class that tests whether or not your hypothesis is false. (Recall
that the scientific method can only prove that a hypothesis is
false; a successful experiment can only increase our confidence in
the hypothesis, not prove it.)
Your experiment should involve adding or removing
characters. Based on your hypothesis, you should
then predict how the output will change.
For example, if I thought that the \n
monkeys to magically appear out of my computer, then if I added a
hundred \n
s to MultiplyCLIDriver
, I could
open my own simian zoo. Fortunately, my hypothesis is wrong, and so
when I run my program with a hundred \n
s in it,
no monkeys appears. This demonstrates that my hypothesis
is false.
I can tweak my hypothesis and devise new experiments until I
figure out a confirmable relationship between \n
s and
the number of monkeys that a program spits out. However, there are
actually other ways to deduce that monkeys will never fly out of my
computer, so perhaps it's better if I come up with a completely new
Your hypothesis and experiment should follow this same form.
Just make sure that your hypothesis describes the
relationship between \n
s at the output of the
program (i.e., what you see on the screen).
Question #1.03 What is your experiment? That
is, how are you going to change
To be answered in Exercise
Question #1.04 How do you expect your
program to behave with these changes? Be sure to tie your
expectations to your hypothesis; that is, if your hypothesis is
true, what do you expect the output to look like.
To be answered in Exercise
Do this...
Modify MultiplyCLIDriver
as necessary to perform your
experiment, compile the code, and run it again.
Question #1.05 Did your experiment confirm your
To be answered in Exercise
If these results indicate that your hypothesis is false, come up with a new hypothesis and run a new experiment. Repeat this process until you get a meaningful hypothesis that holds up to your meaningful experiment. Record each hypothesis and test that you come up with.
If your head feels ready to explode, don't panic! This first lab covers a lot of material, that you will use over and over again, and as you do so, you will begin to naturally memorize those commands that you use most frequently. You can speed up the process by reviewing each of the steps you took in this exercise and practicing in your free time.
byte code, command-line interface, comment, compile, compiler, driver class, graphical user interface, GUI, IDE, incremental compiler, integrated development environment, interpret, interpreter, operating system, package, scientific method, text editor, virtual machine, virtual machine, VM