Actually, Eclipse compiles your program as your write it. As mentioned in the main lab exercise, Eclipse uses as incremental compiler---the code is compiled almost as soon as you enter it!
Do this...
Change a println
in your program to some other word.
Eclipse will underline this change in red; when you move your mouse
cursor over the error, a tool tip will pop up explaining what's
Often a change in one class will create errors in other classes, and many of those other classes might not even be open in Eclipse. So a list of all of your errors can be found in the Problems window at the bottom of the Eclipse window.
Do this...
Save everything, and open the Problems tab.
There's your error.
Do this...
Close the MultiplyCLIDriver editor tab. The error remains in the
Problems tab. Double-click on the error.
Eclipse should open the MultiplyCLIDriver
and it will go directly to the line of code with the
Do this...
Restore the println
that you originally changed, and
save everything.
Helpful hint: Save all of your files before you try to fix any problems. Get real familiar with File -> Save all.
The error probably won't disappear from the Problems tab until you save your file. Save early and often. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to fix errors that aren't really there!
There are some generic instructions for running a program in Eclipse. Get used to them now because you'll see them all throughout this lab manual. You're running a driver for this lab exercise without command-line arguments.
The program will execute in the Console window at the bottom of Eclipse.