Hands on Testing Java: Lab #1

Eclipse, the Text Editor

Create a New Class

In Lab #1, you need a Java class named MultiplyCLIDriver. Modify the class and package names appropriately for other tasks.

To add a new class in Eclipse

  1. Right click your "Hands on Testing Java" project in the Package Explorer.
  2. Select New -> Java class.
  3. In the Package field, enter the appropriate package name; e.g.,
    If the package does not already exist, Eclipse will create it for you.
  4. In the Name field, enter the name of your class (e.g., MultiplyCLIDriver).
  5. Make sure that the public modifier is selected.
  6. All checkboxes should be unchecked.
  7. Hit the Finish button.

There are a few variations on these instructions which you might find helpful:

The class you create comes up in the Eclipse editor.

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