Students who complete this lab will demonstrate that they can:
- Use the laboratory computing environment
- Use in-line comments
- Use the course environment to submit assignments
Using these Lab Exercises
Please keep the following things in mind as you do the lab
exercises in this course:
- Make it a practice of bringing your reference materials to
the lab period (e.g., you text and lecture notes). The lab exercises
reinforce and extend those materials and it’s hard to remember
all the details (even for computing professionals!).
- Get used to asking questions. Ask the students around you;
ask the lab assistants; ask your instructor; raise a question in
on-line video chat. (Computing professionals are not islands!)
- Experiment with your tools. Experimentation is the best way
to learn how to use them. (We won’t let you break anything!)
- The goal of the lab exercises is understanding not
survival. Don’t just record the answers, make sure that you
understand them!
Operating Systems
To design and implement algorithms on a computer, you must first
know how to control the basic operations of the computer. This is one
the fundamental purposes of the operating system. Study the tutorial
appropriate for the operating system that you will be using in these
labs. It is important for craftspeople to know their tools well, so we
suggest that you at least review the material even if you’ve
used the system in the past.
If you’ve been instructed to work in teams, please revert
to working as individuals for this exercise (only).
Exercise 1.1
Do the following things on your development system:
- Verify that you do not have a directory named
(it should have been completely removed at the end of the UNIX/Linix
- Create a sub-directory for this course named
- Create a sub-directory inside your cs108 directory
- Create a text file using Processing that contains:
- your full name,
- why you are taking this class, and
- your major (or ones you are considering) together with an
explanation of why you have chosen (or are considering) that
Everything in this file should be contained within a multi-line
comment. Save this (valid) Processing program in your new lab01
directory as aboutMe
. (Note: Processing will create a
directory called aboutMe
that contains the file aboutMe.pde
Practice Checking In
Submit your solution to this lab exercise using your appropriate
submission environment:
If you are instructed to move directly onto lab exercise 2, then be
sure to leave open the option of submitting further files before
moving on to lab 2.