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Douglas E. Comer

Computer Science Department
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907

webmaster: W. David Laverell

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Hands-On Networking: Experiment 9.3 Home > Student > Experiments > 9.3

Experiment 9.3

Chapter 9
9.1 9.2 9.3
Be sure to check the RFCs for this assignment. Resources for DHCP has convenient links to all the pertinent RFCs as well as other interesting information.

For this assignment you need to do something unusual, you need to bind a socket to a certain port when sending.

Again, packet sniffing is a recommended way to learn about the format in which information is being exchanged.

This site is maintained by W. David Laverell of the Computer Science Department at Calvin College. For assistance or corrections, please contact him at lave@calvin.edu.