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Douglas E. Comer

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Hands-On Networking: Experiment 7.1 Home > Student > Experiments > 7.1

Experiment 7.1

Chapter 7
7.1 7.2 7.3
The directions in the Procedure and Details lead you right down the path to success. Number 7 is absolutely critical, and its successful completion brings great satisfaction.

If you have had an opeating systems course, you are well prepared for this experiment. If not, you are going to need to find a good sample program that uses threads. The exercises make it clear just where to put your threads code.

Important note: it is essential that you indicate the threads library when you link your program. Usually, when you forget a library, you know it right away. (Try linking a socket program without the -lsocket!) In this case, however, there is not even a warning message, the program fails on the thread create.

Important note: for testing you will need a file client. Use the one you wrote for Experiment 5.3.

This site is maintained by W. David Laverell of the Computer Science Department at Calvin College. For assistance or corrections, please contact him at lave@calvin.edu.