Occasionally it will be beneficial to have remote access to the Linux filesystem that is used in the Computer Science labs. Access is automatically available for all students enrolled in a Computer Science class; no extra permissions are needed. Instructions for accessing your /home/<username>/ directory can be found below.
Access to your home directory is accomplished through SSH. Most openssh-compatible SSH programs/SFTP programs will be compatible with our systems, but these directions will cover only common supported ones. In these directions, we will cover generating an SSH keypair, uploading it to the cs-ssh system, and using it within a common client to connect to our cs-ssh server. This process is required for all off-campus connections into our server infrastructure.
If you need help with this process, please contact Chris Wieringa, CS Lab Manager, through the Contact page.
Select a button above for directions.
For access both on-campus and off-campus for Windows, we will use the Bitvise SSH client. After installing, we'll generate an SSH keypair and upload the public key to the cs-ssh server..
In this next section, we will generate SSH keys for use. This only needs to be done once.
For passphrase, this passphrase is specifically for your SSH private key. This is NOT your Computer Science password, but a password to decrypt your SSH private key.
In this section, we need to upload your SSH public key to the cs-ssh server. While you can perform the manual steps described below, I would recommend utilizing the Linux - Upload SSH Public Key webpage to perform these operations. You can access that webpage regardless of whether you are on-campus or off-campus. If you want to perform these steps manually instead of using the upload form, then please note that this section must be performed on-campus!
Manual steps (skip to step 4 if you upload using the form above.)
In this section, we'll make our private / public keyfile connection to the cs-ssh server.
At this point, you should be logged into cs-ssh under your username. You may click the "New SFTP window" to get a graphical UI for transferring files.
Note: if you are upgrading from an older version of BitVise, you may need to enable additional SSH key exchange methods.
For Mac operating systems, we will be utilizing native OpenSSH tools. These tools are pre-installed in all modern Mac OS X installations.
In this section, we will generate our SSH private and public keys.
By accepting the default file location, your public and private keys are saved to /Users/<username>/.ssh/. Your private key is named "id_rsa", while your public key is named "id_rsa.pub".
In this section, we need to upload your SSH public key to the cs-ssh server. While you can perform the manual steps described below, I would recommend utilizing the Linux - Upload SSH Public Key webpage to perform these operations. You can access that webpage regardless of whether you are on-campus or off-campus. If you want to perform these steps manually instead of using the upload form, then please note that this section must be performed on-campus!
Manual steps (skip to step 5 if you upload using the form above.)
At this point, you can continue using common command line tools from a terminal. Launch Terminal and follow the directions for Command Line connections.
Using OpenSSH tools, we can get a remote console or copy files using the scp program. This section assumes that you have generated your SSH keys, and uploaded them into the cs-ssh server. See the specific operating system instructions for more details.
Remote Console
ssh <username>@cs-ssh.cs.calvin.edu
Example: ssh jcalvin@cs-ssh.cs.calvin.edu
Remote File Transfer
scp <localfile> <username>@cs-ssh.cs.calvin.edu:/home/<username>/<remotefilename>
Example: scp project1-results.txt jcalvin@cs-ssh.cs.calvin.edu:/home/jcalvin/project1/project1-results.txt. Note: You can just supply a folder path, and the file name will be assumed.
Remote File Transfer - Recursive Directory
scp -r <somefolder> <username>@cs-ssh.cs.calvin.edu:/home/<username>/<remotefolder>/
Example: scp -r proj1 jcalvin@cs-ssh.cs.calvin.edu:/home/jcalvin/
For Linux operating systems, we will be utilizing native OpenSSH tools.
In this section, we will generate our SSH private and public keys.
By accepting the default file location, your public and private keys are saved to /home/<username>/.ssh/. Your private key is named "id_rsa", while your public key is named "id_rsa.pub".
In this section, we need to upload your SSH public key to the cs-ssh server. While you can perform the manual steps described below, I would recommend utilizing the Linux - Upload SSH Public Key webpage to perform these operations. You can access that webpage regardless of whether you are on-campus or off-campus. If you want to perform these steps manually instead of using the upload form, then please note that this section must be performed on-campus!
Manual steps (skip to step 5 if you upload using the form above.)
At this point, you can continue using common command line tools from a terminal. Launch Terminal and follow the directions for Command Line connections.
If you are on the Calvin campus network (whether via WiFi or Ethernet), you are allowed to connect into the CS servers without using an SSH keypair, by just using your Computer Science Linux password. For ease of use, all operating systems on-campus can use the FileZilla client. NOTE: If you are already set up using your SSH private and public keys, use that method instead.
Once connected, you can drag-and-drop files into your remote home directory.
Computer lab filesystems can be accessed via a web-based file manager called Filestash from https://github.com/mickael-kerjean/filestash. Linux /home/