IS-171C Final Project Instructions

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Create a PowerPoint presentation and an Excel workbook that solves a business problem or relates to an area of your life such as your job, current housing situation, favorite athletic team or hobby.

A.     The PowerPoint presentation should cover the following 4 topic areas (each topic area is worth 3 points):

    ____    First, introduce yourself and your family. For example, the first slide might include your name, age, home city/state (or country), hobbies, year and major at Calvin and career goals.  A second slide might include a family photo along with names and occupations of parents, names and ages of siblings, etc.

    ____    Second, include 1-2 slides that introduce your Excel Workbook.  For example, why did you choose this particular project and how do you plan to use it to solve a business problem.  Now review your Excel workbook.

    ____    Third, after reviewing your Excel workbook, return to your PowerPoint presentation and show 1-2 slides that answer the following question "Name 3-6 new Excel features and/or classroom lecture topics that you learned and expect to use in your future and explain why you chose each new Excel feature or classroom lecture topic."

    ____    Fourth, on a scale of 1-10 (see next page for guidelines), rate your current (end-of-course) Excel skill level and estimate how many hours you spent creating this final project (including the PowerPoint presentation).

B.     The Excel Workbook must include 28 or more of the following 34 Excel features (each feature is worth 3 points):

____ 01.  Absolute or Mixed Cell Address      (use F4 key)    (p. 131)        

____ 02.  Attractive Formatting            (fill/font colors, etc.)    (p. 104)        

____ 03.  Cell Comment                                       (Review tab)    (p. 542)        

____ 04.  Cell Name   (used in a formula)          (Formulas tab)    (p. 161)        

____ 05.  Cell Style     (e.g., Title, Total, etc.)          (Home tab)    (p. 585)        

____ 06.  Chart                                                          (Insert tab)    (p. 178)        

____ 07.  Clip Art or Picture                                   (Insert tab)    (p. 049)        

____ 08.  Conditional Formatting                        (Home tab)    (p. 265)        

____ 09.  Data Passed Between Worksheets                     (p. 458)        

____ 10.  Data Ž Get External Data                      (Data tab)    (p. 488)        

____ 11.  Data Validation                                        (Data tab)    (p. 469)        

____ 12.  Filter   (demo)                                              (Data tab)    (p. 251)        

____ 13.  Formula - Date Arithmetic           (e.g., your age)     p. 144)        

____ 14.  Function - Basic                    (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE)    (p. 141)        

____ 15.  Function - Complex                  (e.g., IF, VLOOKUP)    (p. 150)        

____ 16.  Function/Formula Evaluate         (Formulas tab)    (p. 467)        

____ 17.  Freeze Panes                                           (View tab)    (p. 231)        

____ 18.  Goal Seek   (demo)                                    (Data tab)    (p. 352)

____ 19.  Heading - Multi-line                 ([Alt]+[Enter] keys)    (p. 072)

____ 20.  Heading - Rotated                             (Home tab) (p. 103)

____ 21.  Hidden Column or Row                        (Home tab)    (p. 092)

____ 22.  Hyperlink                                                  (Insert tab)    (p. 450)

____ 23.  Macro with Button                         (Developer tab)    (p. 603)

____ 24.  OLE in PowerPoint Slide or Word Document

____ 25.  Page Setup Standards               (Page Layout tab)    (p. 110)

____ 26.  PivotTable/PivotChart                         (Insert tab)    (p. 297)

____ 27.  Protected Worksheet                        (Review tab)    (p. 593)

____ 28.  Scenarios                                                   (Data tab)    (p. 353)

____ 29.  Scenario Summary                                 (Data tab)    (p. 355)

____ 30.  Sort   (demo)                                                (Data tab)    (p. 249)

____ 31.  Sparklines                                                (Insert tab)    (p. 200)

____ 32.  Subtotals                                                    (Data tab)    (p. 289)

____ 33.  Table                                                          (Insert tab)    (p. 241)

____ 33.  Table                                                          (Insert tab)    (p. 241)

____ 34.  Workbook – password required to re-open *



Final Project Tips and Techniques



1.     Please don't bore me with black on white PowerPoint slides. Use color and a PowerPoint theme or style.

2.     Use the Appear custom animation to reveal your PowerPoint bullets one at a time.

3.     Dim previous bullets on slides in order to focus your audience on the current bullet you are revealing and discussing.

4.     Use simple slide-to-slide transition.  Fancy and/or multiple slide transitions detract from a professional presentation.

5.     Incorporate at least 30 Excel features so you have 1-2 extra features in case you misinterpret or can’t find a feature.

6.     If you incorporate sorting and/or filtering, create a separate copy of these worksheets to quickly show these features.

7.     You must use one of the following 2 techniques to show/demonstrate your Excel features:

a.   Include hyperlinks on a Features worksheet which point to features on other worksheets.  You might also want to include a “Return” hyperlink on the other worksheets that will return to cell A1 of the Features worksheet.

b.   Include macro buttons on a Features worksheet to display features on other worksheets.  You might also want to include a “Return” macro button on the other worksheets that will return to cell A1 of the Features worksheet.

8.     Rehearse your presentation with a friend who will give you constructive criticism and make sure it does not exceed 15 mins.

9.     Please use the following guidelines to estimate your current (end of course) Excel skill level on a scale of 1-10:

  1 = Your only Excel 2010 knowledge is what you learned in 1-2 weeks of the FIT or IDIS course as a Freshman.

  2 = Understand all of the formatting options and know how to create multi-line column headings in a single cell.

  3 = Understand and know how to use relative, mixed and absolute cell references in a formula or function.

  4 = Know how to create charts, use chart shapes and sparklines, and know how to OLE charts into Word documents.

  5 = Know how to pass data between worksheets in a workbook and how to enter formulas with 3D cell references.

  6 = Know how to use Conditional Formatting, data validation, cell names in formulas, and hidden rows or columns.

  7 = Know how to create, sort and filter Tables, and how to use PivotTables, PivotCharts and Scenarios.

  8 = Know how to use advanced functions such as IF, VLOOKUP, PMT, FV, IFERROR, COUNTIFS, and AVERAGEIFS.

  9 = Know how to record and edit macros, and associate them with buttons on worksheets.

10 = Know how to get External Data from other sources and could pass the test to become Microsoft Excel certified.