Calvin seal CS 108: Introduction to Computing
Spring 2006

Project #11b


The project is to write several more PointComputation classes to plug into the GUI of Lab #11b.

Your new PointComputation classes must be interesting. The LineComputation and the AxisComputation classes are just barely interesting; the SolidComputation is very, very boring. ParabolaComputation could be interesting... Other fractal computations could be interesting...

Your new PointComputation classes must correspond to something useful in some way, shape, or form. Do not just simply implement some random function that you come up with; you need purpose behind your computations. You may search the web or ask any faculty for useful computations; you may construct variations on the computations you already have (e.g., cube z in the Mandelbrot computation).

You need eight interesting computations.


  1. In the Design/project11b.txt file for this project, write up a short description of each computation you create. Include any book, website, and personal references for more information about the computation.
  2. Write unit tests that test the toString() methods of your computations.
  3. Comment your classes well.