Calvin seal CS 108: Introduction to Computing
Spring 2006

Project #11a


Copy all of your code from hotj.lab11a to hotj.project11a.

Name the package hotj.project11a; name the design file Design/project11a.txt.

Do Project #11.1 in Project #11a.

This project is also a chance to improve the integration testing in AccountTest. Keep in mind that passing your tests cases is not the goal; coming up with great test cases and passing them is the goal. If your test cases are bad, the code will be bad, and you'll lose points both places.

The "OCD" for this project will be the class design for AccountCharge. Indicate the attributes and methods for the class.

The points for testing with a test case are tripled. The points for a driver are eliminated.

Points for correctness and efficiency are doubled.