Calvin seal CS 108: Introduction to Computing
Spring 2006

Java Libraries

Java comes with a lot of libraries built into it, Eclipse provides you with another crucial library. You'll need at least one other library that is provided by our textbook's authors.

If you want to use Java on your own machine, you need to install this library yourself (in addition to installing Java and Eclipse). The ANN library is specific to our textbook, so I've made it available here:

Use the same username/password as for the lab manual.

Windows XP users: this ann.jar file may be renamed on your machine after it downloads; this doesn't matter; use it just as anyone else would use ann.jar.

Once you download this file onto your local machine, put them where you can find them easily, and set up Eclipse to use them. Use the same ANN_LIB variable as in the GLUW-lab (see Lab #1 of the lab manual), just use your own locations for the files. Using this variable will make sharing your code with CVS that much easier.