Calvin seal CS 108: Introduction to Computing
Spring 2006

Continuing to Work in the UNIX Lab

Look over the list of links for this class for other links relevant to the lab. Here are some programs you'll be using most often during the semester.


Start Eclipse from a terminal window:

eclipse &

The "&" starts the program "in the background" (as its called in UNIX-speak) so that you can still run other programs in the same terminal.

With a little bit of work you can add an icon to your window manager's panel or desktop. Feel free to figure this out on your own, but ask if you get stuck.

Web Browser

Look for Web browsers on the panels on your desktop or in the menus. (Look in the menus first.) You can also start these browsers from the command line using the names given in this font:

  • Mozilla (mozilla)
  • Konqueror (konqueror)
  • Netscape (netscape)