Calvin seal CS 108: Introduction to Computing
Spring 2006

AP-Exam Questions for Quiz #7


  • Basic Java programming: variable declarations, variable usage, arithmetic expressions.
  • Control statements: if statements, counting for loops, while loops.
  • Arrays.
  • Lists: ArrayList is used all of the time.
  • Inheritance.

Output is done with System.out which is exactly the same as using theScreen.

Some of the questions may cover material we didn't. Answer these questions as best you can. I will not count them, but I also cannot tell which ones they are.


Quiz #7 will be timed---45 minutes. You will not be allowed to leave early.

Sample Questions

The AP College Board provides these sample questions; you will also need the quick reference which you will be given as part of the test.

The instructions for the sample questions are for the official exam, not your test. There two main differences:

  • You will not be penalized for guessing.
  • No questions will be based on the Marine Biology Simulation Case Study.