Calvin seal CS 108: Introduction to Computing
Spring 2006

Comments for Lab #1

There will be a page like this for each lab that you do for CS 108. There are links at the bottom of these pages into the Hands on Testing Java lab manual. Remember the sequence of events for each lab:

  1. Read the lab exercise before your scheduled lab.
  2. Answer and turn in the pre-lab questions before your scheduled lab.
  3. Go to your lab on Thursday, and work through the lab exercise.
  4. Finish the lab by the end of Friday (the Science Building closes around 6pm on Friday).
  5. Work on and finish the assigned project due Wednesday night.

To use our lab machines in SB 354, you need to have these instructions handy. We'll have printed copies of these instructions. Also look over the links page for more references you might find handy.

We throw you into UNIX immediately, and this can be overwhelming for some. Take your time, and make sure you understand what you're doing before moving on to the next thing. If you're stuck, ask for help. Remember that the labs are supposed to be collaborative, so help each other out!

Environment and Compiler

Our lab manual has been written for several different environments and different Java compilers. We're using the UNIX operating system (well, technically, the GNU/Linux operating system). For Java, we're using Eclipse as our editor/compiler.

Turning in Assignments

Use the handin program to submit your work. You will have to run this command twice: once for the prelab question, a second time for the lab exercise.

Lab Work for Lab #01

Note that the links open up new browser windows. That's because you're leaving the 108 website. This page clarifies certain issues in the lab manual, and so you'll find it useful to keep available.

Hand's on Testing Java's Prelab questions. Do these before your scheduled lab, reading the lab exercise to answer the questions. Check the webpage on electronic submission for suggestions for turning in your answers.

Hand's on Java's Lab exercise. Work through this exercise during the lab. Make a careful note of the changes listed above (if any) before working on this lab. Again, check the webpage on electronic submission for instructions on submitting your work.

Go to the schedule for your next project.