Calvin seal CS 108: Introduction to Computing
Spring 2006

Exercises for Chapter 2

You will find these exercises useful for studying for the next quiz, but you are not required to hand them in for a grade. Anecdontal evidence indicates that doing these exercises can dramatically improve your quiz grades.

You will not be able to do all of the exercises listed here, so be selective about which problems you do.

  • A Quick Quiz should be done in its entirety.
  • Exercises and Programming Problems have a lot of problems that exercise the same concepts; be selective to get a broad range of different types of exercises and problems.
  • Progamming Problems ask you to program. This will certainly increase your programming skills, but quizzes tend to test more knowledge concepts, not programming skills. Don't bother with "write a driver program" problems.

I strongly urge you to write your answers out by hand. This is what you'll have to do for each quiz. If you type out the answers to these exercises, writing your answers on the quiz will feel awkward. Also, you inevitably underestimate the exercise when you merely think through the answer in your head.

Answers to the Quick Quizzes can be found in the back of the book. Typos and other errors in the book are fixed in the errata for the book; please check these corrections because more than a few answers in the back of the book are wrong.

  • Quick Quiz 2.2 (pages 62, 63)
  • Exercises 2.2 (page 63)
  • Quick Quiz 2.3 (page 75)
  • Quick Quiz 2.4 (page 80)
  • Programming Problems (page 93)