Supporting Materials: All materials for this course will be available online directly, or through Moodle.

Exemption Exam:  IDIS 110 satisfies the foundations of information technology core requirement. There is also an exemption exam that allows you to test out of this requirement and thus avoid this course.

Grading:  I will compute your final grade as follows:


Generally speaking, I do not allow students to take quizzes either early or late. If you miss a quiz, for any reason, you may take an alternate, cumulative final quiz administered during the final exam period whose score will stand in place of your score on the missed quiz. Please contact me if you would like to do this, or if you have any exceptional circumstances.

The Programming Environment:   In general, the systems work will be done using standard campus-wide technologies, available either in the lab or in other labs across campus. Our classes will be held in SB 372, which will also be open for free use outside of normal class hours. Your student ID card should give you access to the west door of the lab whenever the building is open.

Attendance:   I will not grade you on class attendance per se. However, there will often be activities that occur during class that are part of your grade. If you have to miss a class for any reason, review the material and activities to be covered in the missed session and contact me if you have questions or comments.

Disabilities:   Calvin will make reasonable accommodations for you if you have documented disabilities. Notify the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities located in the Student Academic Services, HH 455, and also notify me within the first two weeks of class.

Incompletes:  I will give an incomplete grade (I) only in unusual circumstances and only if those circumstances have been confirmed by the Student Life office.

Individual Work:   Though you will often collaborate with the people around you in class, and there will be group work as well, you are responsible for the work that you submit. In general, feel free to discuss ideas with your classmates, the grader or me, but don't copy in any way. If we detect any plagiarism, either from current or past students, I'll be forced to give a failing grade on the assignment, and perhaps for the course.

Late Work:  I will clearly indicate a due date for all assignments. Anything submitted up to one week after that date is late, unless you have made prior arrangements with me. For each late paper, you will be charged 10% for each business-day that you are late. Thus, if a homework is due on Friday, you may turn it in on Monday at 10% off, Tuesday at 20% off and so on. For work that is more than one week late, please come and talk to me; if there are exceptional circumstances we'll try to work out some way for you to complete the work.

Academic Integrity at Calvin: The student-faculty relationship is based on trust and mutual respect, which can be seriously undermined by the suspicion or reality of academic dishonesty. Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism (students plagiarize when they do not credit the sources of their writing - the words, information, ideas, or opinions of others), improper group work, reuse of a paper from another course and/or cheating on a test. Students are encouraged to speak to their faculty member with specific questions related to academic dishonesty. For further clarification or information, please visit

Academic Integrity in Computing: Code re-use can be a valuable practice in computing, but mindlessly copying code is not an effective way to learn programming and reusing code or algorithms without attribution is plagiarism. If you’ve copied code or other materials with attribution, I’ll grade you on what you wrote, not on the material you copied. If I detect copying without attribution, i.e., plagiarism, I’ll be forced to give you a failing grade for the assignment and perhaps for the course.

Responsible Use of Technology: You are expected to abide by the guidelines expressed in the policies given in Calvin's Technology Policy Documents.

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