Calvin Seal IDIS 110: Research and Information Technology
Instructor: W. David Laverell
North Hall 297
phone: x66691
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 1:30-2:30
or by appointment
Assistant: ???
Exemption Exam:  IDIS-110 satisfies the RIT core requirement. There is also an exemption exam that allows you to test out of this requirement.
Weekly schedule:  We will meet once per week for class and laboratory activities on SB-372. I'll distribute homework projects during the labs, which will be due at the beginning of the following class period.

Grading:  I will compute your final grade as follows:

  • 10% Weekly, in-class labs
  • 20% Weekly projects
  • 30% Quizes
  • 20% Final Exam
  • 20% Final Project
You will receive points both for your individual work on the weekly projects as well as on your participation in the lab exercises. For the labs, we will, generally speaking, have some sort of checkoff or deliverable at the end of the lab period that will verify your participation.

The Programming Environment:   In general, the systems work will be done using standard campus-wide technologies, available either in the lab or in other labs across campus.

Attendance:   I will not grade you on class attendance. If you do have to miss a class for any reason, I'd appreciate it if you let me know so we can review the material and activities to be covered in the missed session.

Disabilities:   Calvin will make reasonable accommodations for you if you have documented disabilities. Notify the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities located in the Student Academic Services, HH 455, and also notify me within the first two weeks of class.

Incompletes:  I will give an incomplete grade (I) only in unusual circumstances and only if those circumstances have been confirmed by the Student Life office.

Individual Work:   Your weekly projects and your final project will be done individually. Feel free to discuss ideas with your classmates or with me, but don't copy in any way. If I detect any plagiarism, I'll be forced to give a failing grade on the homework and perhaps for the course.

Late Work:  I will clearly indicate a due date for all assignments. Anything submitted up to one week after that date is late, unless you have made prior arrangements with me. For each late paper, you will be charged 10% for each business-day that you are late. Thus, if a homework is due on Friday, you may turn it in on Monday at 10% off, Tuesday at 20% off and so on. I will not generally accept papers more than one week late, nor will I accept late papers at all if you have attended the in-class discussion of the solution. Please come and talk to me if there are exceptional circumstances, and we'll work something out.

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