This is an overview of HTML and CSS, mostly the latter.
We’ll generally assume that HTML is easy to pick up as needed. For an introductory tutorial on HTML, review the HTML materials linked from the Prerequisites page. For an HTML reference, refer to the HTML materials linked from Guide 4.
This CSS tutorial includes HTML throughout. We’ll be assuming HTML5 and CSS3.
Complete this CSS tutorial*, doing the “Action” and “Challenge” exercises specified in each section. Attend to the following details for the specified step of the tutorial. Your solution should look something like the image on the right, so you’ll be able to skip some of the action sections in the later exercises. Also, feel free to experiment.
helvetica, arial,
(because I liked Helvetica, the movie).
Save the final versions of your HTML and CSS files to submit for this lab.
Given the variety of browsers in use, it’s generally a good idea to produce standard HTML5/CSS3.
Validate your code using the following webtools. Validate the last HTML and CSS code examples you created above as follows.
Do you agree with the standards enforced by the validation tools? Are there any reported errors that work fine in the browser? If so, how could that be?
Save your answers to these questions in a lab04.txt
file in
the root of your lab repo.
We will grade your work according to the following criteria:
*MDN replaced their original tutorial (archived here by the Wayback Machine) with this new version. The new and old versions are largely similar in content.