The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect — to help people work together — and not as a technical toy. The ultimate goal of the Web is to support and improve our weblike existence in the world. — T. Berners-Lee Weaving the Web, 1999
  1. HTML

    1. Introduction to HTML — Read the first two sections: “Getting started with HTML”–“What’s in the head?” & “Debugging HTML”.
      1. Understand the elements of a basic HTML page, including: the head and body; block and in-line elements.
      2. What is meta-data and what sorts of metadata are specified for an HTML document? Be sure to understand UTF-8 (for an entertaining discussion of this subject, see The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)).
      3. How are CSS and JavaScript included in an HTML document.
      4. In what way do browsers handle HTML permissively?
    2. SEO — Be familiar with the nature and purpose of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

    We won’t spend significant time going through HTML; use this HTML reference as needed.

  2. CSS

    1. How CSS Works
      1. Compare and contrast the roles of HTML and CSS.
      2. What is the algorithm for loading/displaying HTML/CSS?
      3. What is the DOM and how is it used by CSS?
      4. In in what ways can CSS be specified?
    2. Selectors and Simple Selectors
      1. Be familiar with the following concepts: selectors; classes vs ids.

    As with HTML, we won’t spend significant time going through CSS; use this CSS reference as needed.