Without data, you're just another person with an opinion. – attributed to W.E. Deming
  1. Object-relational mapping (Introduction and Section 1)

    1. What is ORM and why is it useful in client applications?
    2. In the information systems domain, what is impedance mismatch?
    3. Are there alternatives to ORM?
  2. What are Iaas, Paas and Saas? — Compare and contrast: IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS.

  3. RESTful Web Services

    1. Representational State Transfer (Introduction, Architectural constraints, Applied to Web services)
      1. What is the purpose of using REST for Web services?
      2. Describe these architectural constraints: client-server; statelessness; cacheability.
      3. Describe how the basic HTTP operators are applied in REST.
      We won’t take time to fully cover the HATEOAS constraint; the APIs we use don’t tend to implement it fully.
    2. Idempotency: Computer Science Examples
      1. What are idempotency and nullipotency?
  4. Technology Stack

    1. Platform as a Service (PaaS) using Azure App Services

      1. App Service overview:
        1. If you haven’t already done so, create an Azure Student account as specified on the CS Systems Administration services page.
        2. Define and explain the following terms: PaaS; devOps; continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD).