All our knowledge brings us nearer to
our ignorance,
All our ignorance brings us nearer to death,
But nearness to death, no nearer to God.
Where is the Life we
have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in
Where is the knowledge we have lost in
The cycles of Heaven in twenty centuries
Bring us farther from
God and nearer to the Dust.
– T.S. Eliot, The
Rock, 1934
Database Management
— Focus on Sections 1, 4 (intro only), 7 & 7.1.
- Distinguish between database and database
management system.
- A DBMS is a program that generally provides facilities for
what four things?
- What is the significance of E.F. Codd’s paper
“A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data
- What were database systems like before the development of
the relational model?
- Compare and contrast external, conceptual
vs. internal schemata (aka, views).
Relational Model
— Focus on the overview and Sections 3 & 4.
- Who developed the relational model?
- What does it mean for a model to be declarative?
- Be able to explain and use the following concepts:
relation, tuple, column,
field, NULL, integrity,
primary and foreign keys.
- Compare and contrast relational keys and traditional
- Considering the example given in Section 4, is the
relational model object-oriented?
Re-read Postman’s article:
“Five Things We Need
to Know About Technological Change”, focusing on
the third of his ideas.
- Briefly name Postman’s five ideas.
- Describe his third idea and explain whether or not you agree
with him.
Technology Stack
PostgreSQL & Azure Database for
PostgreSQL— We will use
PostgreSQL as the Database Management System (DBMS) in
this course as implemented on Azure. Before the
- Create a Microsoft Azure for Students account as
specified on the CS
Systems Administration services page.
- Create an Azure PostgreSQL database as specified
by this Quickstart
tutorial. Notes:
- Specify PostgreSQL authentication only.
- Remember your Admin ID and password.
- Turn off
With this in place, you can “Connect” to
your database using your admin password and execute
SQL commands. You’ll do this in the lab.