To use the cloud-based Azure Database for PostgreSQL, create an an account for yourself and then do the following.

  1. Configure a database management instance as specified in the Quickstart tutorial but choosing cheaper, low performance options - see the estimated cost in the right column. To do this, choose the default options except for the following.
    1. Project
      1. Choose a Development server.
      2. Set Compute+Storage to Burstable.
      3. Set high availability to Disabled.
      4. Confiture PostgreSQL authentication only
      5. Remember your PSQL password.
    2. Networking
      1. Set Connectivity method to Public access.
    The resulting monthly cost should be affordable for your free account for the rest of the semester.
  2. Create the monopoly database as follows.

    1. Get a copy of the SQL command file that implements the basic Monopoly database,

    2. “Connect” to your database and paste the SQL command file into the BASH/PSQL command-line. The command file will build the Monopoly database. You can update the database by editing the script and re-running as needed; it will automatically delete and then rebuild the full database.

    You can display your relational tables by executing SELECT commands in the SQL Browser. You can also connect to your Azure Database for PostgreSQL instance from your local command-line as described in the tutorial.

This should work on any machine through the browser.