To the Present

  • 1996: 15 million hosts
  • 1997: 20 million hosts
  • 1998: 30 million hosts
  • 1999: 50 million hosts
  • 2000: 70 million hosts
  • 2001: 110 million hosts
  • 2002: 150 million hosts
  • 2003: 175 million hosts
  • 2004: 233 million hosts
  • 2005: 318 million hosts

The Internet continues to grow at a phenomenal rate.

The Internet backbone now consists of dozens of backbones worldwide.

The registration of domain names and IP addresses was formerly done by a single, U.S. organization: InterNIC. However, this task is now handled by commercial registrars worldwide such as Verisign.

But who manages the Internet? Who keeps it running?

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This chapter was written by Jeff Nyhoff and Joel Adams. Copy editing by Nancy Zylstra
©2005 Calvin University (formerly Calvin College), All Rights Reserved

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