Computers in Economics, Politics, and Social Structures
and Religion
technology has also entered the spiritual spheres of human society.
Organizations and Computing
Many religious organizations (churches, synagogues,
religious-issues organizations, etc.) provide information about themselves
over the Internet. They communicate with members via e-mail and keep organization
records in computer databases. Some churches use multimedia presentations
during worship services, presenting sound, images, and sermon notes through a projector
system. Some churches even conduct online worship services!
Ministries such as Desiring God Ministries, BiblicalTraining.org, and OnePlace.com offer sermons, books, and entire seminary course lectures online.
Online Devotion
are many religious websites on the Internet. Gospelcom.net
(which grew out of work initially done by a Calvin University (formerly Calvin College) student) features
online devotionals, testimonials, Bible translations,
links to other Christian ministries, and much more. As of April 2006, Gospelcom.net
was typically receiving over 4.4 million pageviews (accesses to individual
pages on their website) per day and reached an estimated 5.5 to 7 million people each month.