Submit your fully coded/documented/tested system. Don’t forget to include all the files (including images) that
make your system run.
The 88% weight given to this component of the final project is divided as follows:
- Correctness:
- 40% - Working code - You code must compile and run correctly.
- 10% - Unit testing - Your system must include thorough JUnit tests;
- Efficiency:
- 5% - Efficiency - Your code design should support efficient execution of the required system features.
- Understandability:
- 5% - Class design - Your architecture must separate the model and view.
- 10% - Header, code and method documentation - Use JavaDoc to document the author(s) and basic purpose of
your system code.
- User experience (UX):
- 8% - GUI Interface - The interface should work as the users are likely to expect.
- Vision
- 10% - We reserve these points to assess the significance and complexity of your project vision. Projects implementing only the bare minimum receive none of these points; projects that address more interesting or complex issues will receive some or all of these points.