ann.util.Queue presents a Queue of linked nodes built "from scratch" whose integrity cannot be violated (unlike Java's Queue class). Uses ann.util.SinglyLinkedNode to store its values.



public Queue()

Default constructor

Postcondition: Empty stack is constructed.


public boolean isEmpty()

Check if queue is empty

Return: true if queue is empty, and false otherwise


public Object first()

First operation

Return: Object at the front of the queue; null if queue is empty


public void add(Object obj)

Add operation

Receive: Object value

Postcondition: value has been added at the back of the queue


public Object remove()

Remove operation

Return: Object at the front of the queue; null if queue is empty

Postcondition: Value at the front of the queue has been removed.


public int getSize()

Size accessor

Return: number of elements in the queue


public void clear()

Clear mutator

Postcondition: All values have been removed from the queue.


public String toString()

String conversion for output purposes


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