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Hands On Java

An on-line laboratory manual for learning Java

Joel Adams
Calvin College
Charles Hoot
Oklahoma City University


This manual is part of the lab manual bundle for Java: An Introduction to Computing by Adams, Nyhoff & Nyhoff. Further information about this bundle is available from your Prentice-Hall sales representative.

The text and lab manual can be ordered separately or bundled from Prentice-Hall:

To protect the rights of the copyright holder, portions of this on-line version require a password. The password is on the CD-ROM version of this manual.

If you find an error in this manual, please check the Errata list. If the error is not already listed, send a detailed description of the error to Joel Adams.

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Copyright 2000 by Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Hands On Java is derived from Hands On C++ by Joel Adams.