ann.math.DoubleArrays is a module that defines classwide operations for arrays of double values.



public static double [] readArray()

Read values from the Keyboard into an array

Precondition: Keyboard contains an int n, followed by n double values.

Input: the values from Keyboard

Return: the n input values in a double array


public static double sum(double [] array)

Sum the values in an array of doubles

Receive: double [] array

Return: the sum of the values in array


public static double average(double [] array)

Find the average of the values in an array of doubles

Receive: double [] array

Precondition: array.length > 0.

Return: the average of the values in array


public static boolean equals(double [] a1, double [] a2)

Check two arrays for equality

Receive: double [] a1, double [] a2

Return: true iff a1 and a2 contain exactly the same elements



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