Desired Action |
Command |
Get information about a UNIX command |
man Command |
Get UNIX commands for a given topic |
man -k Topic |
Create a directory |
mkdir DirName |
Change working directory to home directory |
cd |
Change working directory to arbitrary directory |
cd DirName |
List contents of working directory |
ls |
List contents of arbitrary directory |
ls DirName |
List contents of directory in detail |
ls -l DirName |
List all (hidden) files in directory |
ls -a DirName |
Remove an empty directory |
rmdir DirName |
Remove a non-empty directory |
rm -r DirName |
Remove a file |
rm FileName |
Rename a file or directory |
mv OldName NewName |
Move a file to a different directory |
mv FileName DirName |
Copy a file |
cp OriginalName CopyName |
Copy a directory and all its subdirectories |
cp -r OriginalName CopyName |
Clear the screen/window |
clear |
Record what appears on the screen |
script |
Edit a file |
xemacs FileName |
Translate a self-contained Java source program |
javac SourceFileName |
Run a Java program |
java ClassName |