Desired Action |
Command |
Desired Action |
Command |
invoke xemacs |
xemacs FileName |
quit xemacs |
C-x C-c |
suspend xemacs |
C-z |
resume xemacs |
fg |
quit current cmd |
C-g |
undo last cmd |
C-x u |
next char (fwd) |
C-f |
previous char (back) |
C-b |
next word |
M-f |
previous word |
M-b |
beginning of line |
C-a |
end of line |
C-e |
next line |
C-n |
previous line |
C-p |
next page |
C-v |
previous page |
M-v |
first page |
M-< |
last page |
M-> |
delete right |
C-d |
delete left |
kill line right |
C-k |
paste (yank) |
C-y |
read file into buffer |
C-x C-f |
kill buffer |
C-x k |
save all buffers |
C-x s |
save as (write) |
C-x C-w |
split screen horiz. |
C-x 2 |
split screen vert. |
C-x 3 |
combine screens |
C-x 1 |
redraw screen |
C-l |
move to other buffer |
C-x o |
move to spec. buffer |
C-x b |
get list of buffers |
C-x C-b |
global replace string |
M-x replace string |
query replace string |
M-x query replace |
compile |
M-x compile |
move to next error |
C-x ` |
invoke debugger |
M-x gdb |
quit debugger |
q |
set breakpoint |
C-x SPC |
print expression value |
p Expression |
run program |
r |
continue program |
c |
next statement |
n |
step into method |
s |
help on Subject |
C-h a Subject |
describe all bindings |
C-h b |
Command binding |
C-h w Command |
Key binding |
C-h c Key |
run on-line info |
C-h i |
run tutorial |
C-h t |