One of the simple expressions in the output statement is '+' and another is " = ". In the first case, the plus symbol is surrounded by single-quotes and in the second case, the double-quotes surround a blank, an equal symbol and another blank. In Java, the '+' is called a character expression, while the " = " is called a String expression.
A. In the space below, form a hypothesis that explains when characters should be surrounded with single-quotes (') and when they should be surrounded with double-quotes ("). Don't worry about your hypothesis being wrong -- if so, it's finding out why it is wrong that is important.
B. Next, in the space below, design an experiment to test your hypothesis. This part you should worry about -- if your hypothesis is wrong, then your experiment must tell you so.
C. Then carry out your experiment, and report its results in the space below:
D. If your hypothesis was shown to be incorrect, repeat steps A through C, until your hypothesis and experimental results agree. In the space below, explain why '+' is called a character expression and " = " is called a String expression.
When you understand the difference between ' and " (in Java), continue to the next experiment.
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