1. Practice using the text editor and Java compiler.
2. Gain experience with sequential programming.
3. Practice using the I/O facilities.
Using the program Mult.java as a model, solve one of the problems below (your instructor will tell you which one to do).
1.1. Write Flies.java -- a program that produces the following output:
like flies an Time arrow ... Fruit like banana. flies a
1.2. Write Recipe.java -- a program that produces the following output:
Pop 1 cup of popcorn Melt 1 stick of butter Combine popcorn and butter Salt to taste
1.3. Write Direct.java -- a program that produces detailed directions to your house, such as:
Take I-96 to U.S. 131 Take 131 3 miles south to Hall St. Take Hall 1 mile east to Madison Ave. Take Madison 3 blocks north to Sherman St. Take Sherman 2 blocks east to 1000 Sherman St.
1.4. Write Me.java -- a program that produces output describing yourself, such as:
Name: John Whorfin Gender: Male Year: Freshman Phone: 555-9876 Hobbies: Swimming, volleyball and eighth-dimensional physics Quote: "Laugh while you can, monkey-boy!"
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