A Christian Field Guide to Technology

for Engineers and Designers

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Instructor Resources for Faith Integration in Engineering

Here are some faith integration resources which may be helpful:

A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers was written to be a suitable companion text for perspectival content in introductory and capstone courses in engineering and technology.

The following are some sample syllabi of engineering "perspectival" captsone courses or introductory courses that include some faith integration components (some of which make use of this book). These syllabi are being shared to provide exemplars of approaches that have been used in CS and engineering at Christian colleges and universities.

(If your class is using the book, please Derek a note so we can add a link to your syllabus too!)

New faculty members in computing or engineering may find this letter to a young professor a helpful encouragement (this letter is addressed to the same professor referenced in chapter 10 of the book, "Letters to a Young Engineer"). In addition, here are some recommended readings for new faculty.

Ideally, perspectival courses are part of a vital core curriculum which can help establish a Christian perspective and an inter-disciplinary foundation for students.

Finally, how does an instructor actually connect faith and technology in the classroom? Here is a paper entitled "Approaches to Christian Education: From Elusive Towards a Larger and Deeper Approach" which explores different approaches using examples taken from the field of computer technology. Furthermore, here is an article that makes the case that it takes a village to form a Christian scholar.