Hands on Testing Java: Lab #11

Prelab Questions

Type in your answers to each of these questions in a file named prelab11.txt in your Prelab Questions directory. Turn in your answers before the beginning of your laboratory session.

Short Answer Questions

Question #1: A common superclass for several subclasses is called a ____________ class.

Question #2: The constructor for a superclass can be invoked with the ____________ keyword.

Question #3: If a class is declared abstract, what can't you do with the class?

Question #4: Redefining an inherited method in a subclass is called ____________ the method.

Question #5: Instance variables should have ____________ visibility.

Programming Questions

Code #1: Write a declaration for a class named A which is an abstract class.

Code #2: Write a declaration for a class named B which is a concrete subclass of A.

Code #3: Write a declaration for a class named C which is a concrete subclass of A.

Code #4: Write a declaration for a class named D which is a concrete subclass of C.

Code #5: Add one method declaration to one of these classes for a method named getName(). Add this method so that it is defined in all of the classes. It should return the string "name".