Harry Plantinga
North Hall 299
Phone: x66860
Office hours: M 2:30, W 10:30, F 12:30, or by appointment.
Time and Place
Time: MWF 1:30–2:20
Place: SB382 for lectures; SB337 (Systems Lab) for labs (usually Fridays)
Course Information
Prerequisites: CS108 or basic programming skills; some familiarity with HTML, CSS, and the Web
Textbook: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, & CSS, 2nd ed., by Robin Nixon (O'Reilly)
Coursework and Grading
Work for the course will consist of readings, labs, projects, quizzes, a cumulative final exam, and a final project (web site).
A final grade will be computed using the following weights:
- Labs and homework 30%
- Test and Quizzes: 15%
- Final exam: 20%
- Final project: 25%
- Participation and readings: 10%
Late Policy: 10% per school day late, up to 50% late penalty. Work turned in after others' work has been turned back may not be accepted.
Incompletes: Incomplete grades will not be given except for strong extenuating circumstances, such as significant illness or a death in the family.
Collaboration: You may discuss homework and programs with your fellow students -- but your work and your programs must be your own. Copying someone else's answer or program directly is not allowed. If you look at or copy someone else's code while typing your own program, you are cheating.
Attendance is expected. I will occasionally take attendance; I also sometimes notice someone is absent even if I haven't taken attendance. I will report excessive absences to the student life office.
Laptops and tablets. Use of laptops or mobile computing devices in class is not permitted without special permission from me.
Tests are to be taken at the assigned time. If you have a good reason for needing a change of time, you must talk to me in advance of the scheduled test time.
Accommodations: Calvin will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should notify the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities located in the Student Academic Services, HH 455. Students should notify their instructors within the first two weeks of class.