Course Policies: IS 333: Network Administation at Calvin College

Instructor: Professor Victor Norman

Course Text:

Douglas E. Comer's Computer Networks and Internets 5th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall 

Note that we will use the text book extensively during class time, so you must be able to refer to either a hard copy or soft copy of the current chapter of the text during class.

Grading.Your grade in this course will be determined as follows:

A couple of things to note:

Attendance: attendance is optional. However, you will do poorly if you skip class regularly (this has been proven time and time again).  If you will miss class due to illness or some other legitimate reason, you must inform me before class that you will miss class that day. Also, class attendance is factored in to the Class Investment grade.

Class Rules:

Late assignments: Due dates for assignments will be in moodle. Assignments are due at midnight on the due date.  Assignments that are submitted within 1 business day after the due date will have 10% deducted.  2 business days = 20%, 3 days = 30%, etc.

Office Hours / Help outside of class: I generally don't officially post office hours, because students generally come asking for help at any time of the day or night anyway. Instead, my office hours are any time that I am in my office. My schedule is posted here.

If you need help with an assignment, please come ask for help.  I love to help students who come to me.  However, if the assignment is due that day or the next day AND you have not started, I will not look kindly upon your predicament.  I’ll help you, but I won’t look kindly upon your predicament.  One of my goals is to help students to learn to NOT do everything at the last minute.  I know that goes against some of your philosophies of life.  Sorry...

Disability statement: Calvin will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should notify the Coordinator of Services to Students with Disabilities located in Student Academic Services, HH455. Students should notify their instructors within the first two weeks of class.

Working together / cheating:  1) Don't cheat.  2) You may work in pairs/groups when doing the lab assignments and may submit one lab report for the group.  3) You may, and often should, collaborate in discussion and design for labs. 

My disability: I am deaf on my left side.  I wear a hearing aid, but it really doesn't help too much.  I appreciate students who speak loudly enough for me (and the whole class) to hear.  Thanks.

Course Organization:

We will use a teaching/learning method called Formative Assessment in this class.  This means that most weeks we will follow this schedule:

Friday night / Saturday:

By Sunday, 5pm:




Why do I teach this way?

Bloom's Taxonomy is a way to categorize teaching and learning practices. It defines what we expect students to do or learn to do during a course. See some very nice pictures here. If I just lecture on the material, all I'm expecting you to do is "Remember" -- the very bottom of the taxonomy. It also leads to the lowest amount of long-term retention. In short, it is easy for you and me, but you don't get your money's worth.

Many students don't like my teaching method because I try to target the teaching higher on the taxonomy. Students learn by creating their own knowledge -- not by being told what other's have figured out. This is why I have you read the book, perhaps struggle with what it contains, and then I come in and help you understand. You will be struggling and creating your own knowledge -- which has better retention and is higher on the taxonomy chart. I also try to incorporate discussion groups and practice in the class, during class time and labs.

Time Expectations:

The course is designed so that you do about 3 - 5 hours of work each week outside of class time. Much of this time should be spent in the reading and studying of the assigned readings.

Calvin > IS > 333 > Polixcies
This page maintained by Victor Norman.