Reading Guide for "Technology has a Message"

  1. Complete this sentence: "This notion fails to recognize that technology itself _________ ___ ______________.

  2. Because technology is a response to God, we have both _________________ and ____________________.

  3. Andy Crouch suggests two questions to ask about culture/technology. They are:

    1. _________________________________________________________________

    2. _________________________________________________________________

  4. Fill in the blanks: "In other words, ________________ is value-laden, and these values make some things

    possible, while at the same time _____________ ______________ ____________ __________________.

  5. What does "value-laden" means? _________________________________________________________



  6. Schuurman writes, "Furthermore, we are gradually shaped as certain ways of thinking and knowing are

    amplified and others are muted."  What ways of thinking are amplified/muted by Microsoft Word?  (Perhaps

    compare the use of it to writing on paper or using a typewriter.)   _________________________________




  7. Is adoption of technology unstoppable?  What would change if you gave up your cell phone or closed

    your Facebook account? ________________________________________________________________



  8. What has the web made more difficult, according to Nicolas Carr? _______________________________


  9. According to a 2009 research study, screen-based technology improves "visual-spatial skills," while at the

    same time it weakens ______________________________ and "mindful knowledge acquisition,

    inductive analysis, ______________________________, __________________, and _______________.