This course requires a substantive final project.
Your final project deliverable must:
include a report discussing the: application domain; relevant theory on which the system based; reasons for choosing this theoretical foundation rather than others; broader implications of the application and its use.
include a substantive, implemented system that:
We reserve the right to limit the number of applications proposed for each project area or technology.
There will be four “deliverables” for this project, to be
submitted in your course repo in the directory project
and due
according to the following schedule:
Walkthrough (10%) — Meet with us one-on-one to talk through your domain, theory and prototype. Be prepared to discuss the key elements of your work, your poster, and to give a demo of your system. We’ll identify the key work you still need to do and prepare you for the final showcase.
Showcase (10%) — Attend the final project
showcase in which you can see everyone’s project. Be prepared to
demo your system and to explain its key points using a Jupyter notebook
(either a separate showcase.ipynb
or your final
, see below).
file in the project root
that specifies the name of the project, gives a brief overview
the vision of the project, lists the various code
modules and their purpose, explains how to run the code, and
references external sources for any required datasets. Remember,
do not submit large dataset files in your repo; store them
someplace else and include links to them in this README file.
). This should be on the order of
2000-2500 words (around four pages on “standard”
paper, including bibliography but not including program code or
raw output) and include material appropriate for your project.
What is appropriate may vary from project to project, but would
likely include the following.
See the policies page for the project due-dates and times. The points for these deliverables will be combined to compute your score for the final project.