Neural Networks
Introduction to Neural Networks
Exercise 10.1
Intro to Neural Networks
- Would you rather use TensorFlow or Keras to build your models?
- Tasks 1 & 2: Report your best hyper-parameter settings
and their
resulting performance on the testing dataset.
Save your answers in lab10_1.txt
Training Neural Networks
Exercise 10.2
Improving Neural Net Performance
- What does AdaGrad do to boost performance?
- Tasks 1–3: Report your best hyperparameter settings
their resulting performance.
- Optional Challenge: You can skip this exercise.
Save your answers in lab10_2.txt
Multi-class neural networks
Exercise 10.3
Classifying Handwritten Digits with
Neural Networks
- Task 1: What does the confusion matrix show for
this example?
- Task 2: How does the TensorFlow network architecture differ
from the Keras example given in class? Report any improvements you
can make over the baseline testset accuracy for this task.
- Task 3: What differences can you see between the
for 10 steps and 1000 steps?
Save your answers in lab10_3.txt
Keras — Convolutional Neural Networks
Build a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for the Cats & Dogs image datasets.
Exercise 10.4
ML Practicum: Image Classification —
Do the first exercise included in this tutorial.
- Exercise 1:
- What’s the size/shape of the cats/dogs datasets?
- How does the first CNN compare with the one we did in
- Can you see any interesting patterns in the intermediate
- You can skip Exercises 2 & 3.
Save your answers in lab10_4.txt
Checking in
We will grade your work according to the following criteria:
- 25% — Networks
- 25% — Training
- 25% — Multi-class
- 25% — CNN
See the policies page for lab due-dates and