Logistic Regression
Exercise 9.1
Logistic Regression
- How effective is the linear regression approach to the problem?
- Task 1: Compare and contrast L2 Loss vs LogLoss.
- Task 2: Explain how effective logistic regression is compared
with linear regression.
- Task 3: Here, just report the best values you can achieve
for AUC/accuracy and what hyperparameters you used to get them.
Save your answers in lab09_1.txt
Sparcity and Regularization
Exercise 9.2
Sparsity and L1 Regularization
- Why are we regularizing with respect to sparsity?
- How does L1 regularization increase sparsity?
- Task 1: Here, just report the best log loss value / model
size you can get and
what gamma value you used to get them.
Save your answers in lab09_2.txt
Keras — Classification
Do a binary classification model using Keras.
Exercise 9.3
Classifying movie reviews: a binary
classification example* — Get this code to run
and then answer the following questions.
- Try Chollet’s “Further experiments”. Do any of the
alternatives do better than the suggested architecture? Why or why
Save your answers in lab09_3.txt
*This exercise is F. Chollet, Chapter 3.4 (3.5 online).
Checking in
We will grade your work according to the following criteria:
- 30% — Classification
- 30% — Sparcity
- 40% — Keras Classification Example
See the policies page for lab due-dates and