Machine Learning changes the way you think about a
problem. The focus shifts from a mathematical science to a natural
science, running experiments and using statistics, not logic, to
analyse its results.
— P. Norvig, “Introduction to ML”, Google ML Crash Course.
Google’s Machine Learning Crash Course
Validation Set
- Compare and contrast train vs.
vs. test datasets.
- Terms:
- Feature vector
- One-hot vs. multi-hot
- Binning
- What are the qualities of good features?
- What are the best practices for data cleansing?
Feature Crosses
- Are the logical functions we discussed in class (i.e.,
AND, OR, XOR) linear functions?
- Compare and contrast synthetic features vs.
feature crosses.
- How are feature crosses useful?
Programming Tools
- Keras
- Compare and contrast TensorFlow vs.
- What are the guiding principles of Keras?
30 seconds to
Keras — Do these exercises.
Predicting house prices: a
regression example — We’ll do this exercise
in this unit’s lab. For now, read the exercise and review the
following concepts.
- The Boston housing dataset
- K-fold Validation
- MatPlotLib