Students who complete this unit will demonstrate that they can:
- Describe and explain the search paradigm for problem solving.
- Formulate an efficient problem space for a problem expressed
in natural language in terms of initial and goal states, and
- Describe the role of heuristics and describe the trade-offs
among completeness, optimality, time complexity, and space
- Compare and contrast the standard AI search algorithms.
- Describe and explain the local search paradigm for problem
- Compare and contrast the local and global search algorithms.
- Describe the problem of combinatorial explosion of search
space and its consequences.
- Compare and contrast genetic algorithms with classic search
- Compare and contrast various heuristic searches vis-a-vis
applicability to a given problem
- Design and implement a hill-climbing search algorithm.
- Design and implement a simulated annealing schedule to avoid
local minima in a problem.