Do the following exercises:

  1. From the text:
    1. Exercise 1.6
    2. Ray Kurzweil is famous for heralding the approaching singularity. What is this singularity and do you agree with his prediction? (Please write a one-to-two-paragraph summary.) You may be interested to know that Kurzweil is working at Google with the goal of building a giant mind.
    3. Do Exercise 2.4 from the text, but apply it only to the last activity (bidding on an item at an auction) and to one additional AI activity that you might like to study in your final project. Explain your answers. Be sure to include the properties of the environment discussed in Section 2.3.2.
  2. Build a new domain for the GPS system we studied in the lab that allows you to solve maze problems such as the following:

    a maze problem

    In this example, the mechanism should produce a sequence commands of the form “Executing 1, Executing 2, ...”. The GPS should be able to find a path from square 1 to square 16 without crossing the walls (e.g., there is no path from square 3 to square 4). It would be a good idea to implement tools that automatically create plan operators based on simple cell-pair specifications (e.g., [[1,2], [2,3], [3,7], ...] )

    What does your implementation do if you modify the maze so that it has no solution?

Final project suggestion - Study one of the great questions from one of the founding disciplines of AI and include one or more implementations of key ideas as they evolved over time (e.g., human reasoning starting with GPS or epistemology and KR systems)

Checking in

Submit the files specified above in Moodle under homework 1. We will grade your work according to the following criteria:

Homework assignments are always due by the beginning of the next lab.